Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of Castle.Tips

Privacy Policy

When you use our services, you’re trusting us with your information. We understand this is a big responsibility and work hard to protect your information and put you in control.


Privacy and Data Protection Notice - LLC Limited Liability Company PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION NOTICE

1. Purpose and scope of the Notice
1.1 The purpose of this Notice is to record the data protection and - management principles and the company's data protection and management policy, which the company, as a data controller, recognizes as binding on itself.
1.2 This Information Sheet contains the principles of handling Personal Data provided by Users on the Website.
1.3 When developing the provisions of the Prospectus, the company took particular account of the provisions of the current laws.
1.4 In the absence of information to the contrary, the scope of this Notice does not cover the services and data management that are related to the services of third parties other than the Data Controller appearing on the websites referred to below in this Notice, and the content published by them. Similarly, in the absence of information to the contrary, the scope of the Notice does not extend to the services and data management of websites and service providers to which links on websites covered by the Notice lead. Such services are governed by the provisions contained in the third-party data management information of the service operator, and the Data Controllers do not assume any responsibility for these data managements.

2. Definitions of terms
2.1 Data management: regardless of the procedure used, any operation or set of operations performed on Personal Data, in particular the collection, recording, organization, segmentation, storage, transformation, change, use, query, insight, use, communication of Personal Data , transmission, distribution or otherwise making available, disclosure, coordination or linking, restriction, deletion and destruction.
2.2 Data Controller: who determines the purposes and means of Data Management - independently or together with others. In the case of the Services referred to in this Information, the Data Controller is the License Sales Center Limited Liability Company ( Kft.) (headquarters: 6000 Kecskemét, Hegedűs köz 2.) registered by the Kecskemét Court of Companies (company registration number: 03-09-126110; tax number: 24302148-2-03). The Data Controller is a company registered in Hungary.
2.3 Personal information or data: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.
2.4 Data processor(s): the service provider who processes Personal Data on behalf of the Data Controller. In the case of the services referred to in this Notice, Data Processors may be:
a) Host Europe GmbH (head office: 51149 Köln, Hansestrasse 111 Germany), which provides IT, development, operation and hosting services.
b) Apple Distribution International (headquarters: Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork, Ireland), which provides statistical data related to user activity and provides service and user contact.
c) Facebook Ireland Ltd. (headquarters: 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland), which provides statistical data related to user activity and provides service and user contact.
d) Google LLC. (head office: 18 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2, DO2 HE97, Ireland), which provides statistical data related to user activity and provides service and user contact.
2.5 Website(s):,,,,,,, Castle.Tips websites operated by the Data Controller and subpages of these websites. 2.6 Service(s): services operated by the Data Controller and provided by the Data Controller, which are available on the Websites or through the applications of the Data Manager. 2.7 User(s): the natural person who registers, subscribes or purchases the Services and provides their data in this context. 2.8 External service provider(s): third-party service partners used by the Data Controller, either directly or indirectly, in connection with the operation of individual Websites or the provision of services available through the Websites, to whom Personal Data is or may be transmitted in order to provide their services, and those who may transmit Personal Data to the Data Controller. External service providers are also those service providers that are not in cooperation with the Data Controller, but by accessing the websites of the Services, they collect data about the Users, which, either independently or combined with other data, may be suitable for identifying the User. 2.9 Information: this data management information of the Data Controller.

3. Scope of personal data handled
3.1 If the User visits the interface of a Website or uses its applications, the Data Manager's system automatically records the User's IP address. 3.2 Based on the User's decision, the Data Controller may process the following data in connection with the use of services available through the Website: name, nickname, gender, place of residence, place of residence, zip code, place of birth, time of birth, telephone number, e-mail address, secondary e-mail address , IP address of entries, time of entries, and services used. 3.3 If the User sends an e-mail or other text message to a Service, the Data Controller records the User's e-mail address and processes it to the extent and for the duration necessary to provide the service. 3.4 In the course of editing content, the Data Controller manages the data of all natural persons who contributed to the production of the content, either as a source or in such a way that they are referenced in the edited content. In this case, the Personal Data most often handled by the Data Controller may be: the data subject's name, position, workplace, age, residence, or other data indicating how the data subject is related to the topic of the edited content. 3.5 If, based on the User's own decision, the Facebook account is connected to the Service, the Data Controllers may manage the following Personal Data of the User in addition to those referred to above: Facebook profile name, Facebook profile URL, Facebook profile ID, Facebook profile picture, Facebook e-mail address, address entered on Facebook, gender entered on Facebook, birthday, introduction and website url. 3.6 If the User has given his consent, he will send a newsletter to the Data Controller. In this case, the Data Controller manages the User's name and e-mail address, and can sometimes collect additional data about the User (such as interests, content consumption habits, demographics) by using questionnaires. The legal basis for data management is the express consent of the data subject. 3.7 Regardless of the above, it may happen that a service provider technically related to the operation of the Services carries out data management activities on one of the Websites without informing the Data Controllers. Such activity does not qualify as Data Management by the Data Controller. The Data Managers will do their best to prevent and filter out such data management.

4. Scope of additional data managed by the Data Controller
4.1 The Data Controllers place a small data package (so-called "cookie") on the User's computer in order to provide customized service. The purpose of the cookie is to ensure the highest possible level of operation of the given page, to provide personalized services, and to increase the user experience. The User can delete the cookie from his computer or set his browser to prohibit the use of cookies. By prohibiting the use of cookies, the User acknowledges that the operation of the given page is incomplete without cookies. 4.2 When providing personalized services, the Data Controllers manage the following Personal data by using cookies: demographic data (based on the above-referenced data) and interest information, habits, preferences (based on browsing history). 4.3 In order to optimize the design of the Websites, the Data Controllers collect information from time to time on the consumption habits of the Users. During this procedure, the Data Managers manage the Users' IP addresses, which, however, are stripped of their personal character at the start of the procedure, so that individual Users cannot be identified based on them. The procedure does not involve the formation or use of individual samples, the Data Managers manage and evaluate the data in an aggregated and averaged form. 4.4 Technically recorded data during the operation of the systems: the data of the User's logged-in computer, which are generated during the use of the Service and which are recorded by the Data Managers' system as an automatic result of the technical processes. The automatically recorded data is automatically logged by the system upon entry and exit without any special declaration or action by the User.

5. Purpose and legal basis of Data Management
5.1 The purpose of the Data Management carried out by the Data Controllers is: a) online content provision; b) identification of the User, contact with the User; c) identification of User rights (services available to the User); d) facilitating the customization of the services used by the User, the use of convenience functions; e) management of individual user inquiries; f) creating statistics and analyses; g) inquiries for direct business acquisition or marketing purposes; h) Providing an interface (storage space) for the publication of user-generated content (e.g. comments, chat, etc.); i) in the case of community services, ensuring mutual identification of Users and enabling their communication with each other; j) in individual cases, organizing and conducting prize games, notifying the winners and providing them with the prize; k) technical development of the IT system; l) protecting the rights of Users; m) Providing unique discounts and gifts to users n) sending newsletters; o) enforcement of the Data Controller's legitimate interests. The Data Controller may manage Personal Data in order to achieve any of the data management goals described above. The Data Managers do not use the Personal Data provided for purposes other than those described in these points. 5.2 Legal basis for each Data Management a) When the User accesses each Website, the Data Controller collects the IP address of the User in connection with the provision of the Service, in view of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller and for the reason of the legal provision of the Service (e.g. in order to filter out illegal use or illegal content), the It is also recorded without the user's separate consent. b) Data management takes place on the basis of the Users' voluntary, prior, properly informed declaration, which declaration contains the Users' express consent to the use of their Personal Data provided by them during the use of the site, as well as the Personal Data generated from them. In the case of data management based on consent, the User has the right to withdraw his consent at any time, which, however, does not affect the legality of the data management before the withdrawal. c) In the context of the content provision or the legal basis for Data Management in connection therewith may be the essential legitimate interests of the Data Controller, as well as the provision of basic rights to information and expression of opinion, within the framework defined by legislation. In the event that the legal basis of the Data Processing is the essential legitimate interest of the Data Controller, the Data Controller has carried out and may continue to carry out the interest assessment test in accordance with the relevant provisions of the GDPR, which confirms that the Data Controller's legitimate interest related to the given Data Processing is stronger than the data subject's rights and freedoms related to the Data Processing .In the event of a request to this effect, the Data Controller shall provide the data subject with information regarding the contents of this paragraph as described in this Information. 5.3 Data transmission to the Data Processors specified in this Notice may be carried out without the User's separate consent. The release of personal data to third parties or to authorities - unless the law provides otherwise - is only possible on the basis of an official decision or with the prior express consent of the User. 5.4 The User guarantees that the consent of the person concerned has been legally obtained for the processing of personal data provided or made available by him/her about other natural persons during the use of the Services (e.g. during the publication of content generated by the User, etc.). All responsibility for shared user content uploaded by the User to the Services rests with the User. 5.5 When entering the e-mail address and data provided during registration (e.g. user name, ID, password, etc.), any User assumes responsibility for ensuring that the e-mail address provided or using the data provided by him, only he uses the service. In view of this responsibility, any responsibility related to logins to a specified e-mail address and/or data is the sole responsibility of the User who registered the e-mail address and provided the data.

6. Principles and method of Data Management
6.1 The Data Managers manage Personal data in accordance with the principles of good faith and fairness and transparency, as well as the provisions of the current legislation and this Information.
6.2 Personal data essential for the use of the Services shall be used by the Data Controllers based on the consent of the concerned User and solely for a purpose.
6.3 The Data Managers only use Personal Data in this Information Sheet or it is managed for the purpose specified in the relevant legislation. The scope of personal data managed is proportionate to the purpose of data management, and may not extend beyond that. In any case, if any of the Data Controllers intends to use the Personal Data for a purpose other than the purpose of the original data collection, the User shall be informed of this and the User's prior express consent shall be obtained, or the User shall be given the opportunity to prohibit the use.
6.4 Data managers do not check the personal data provided. The person providing the personal data is solely responsible for the adequacy of the personal data provided.
6.5 The personal data of a person under the age of 16 may only be processed with the consent of the adult exercising parental supervision over him. The Data Controller is not in a position to check the authorization of the consenting person or the content of his statement, so the User or the person exercising parental supervision over him guarantees that the consent complies with the law. In the absence of a consent statement, the Data Controller does not collect Personal Data of the affected person under the age of 16, with the exception of the IP address used when using the Service, which is recorded automatically due to the nature of Internet services.
6.6 The Data Managers do not hand over the Personal data they handle to third parties other than the Data Processors specified in this Notice and, in some cases - referred to in this Notice - to External Service Providers. An exception to the provision contained in this point is the use of data in a statistically aggregated form, which may not contain any other data suitable for identifying the User concerned, and therefore does not qualify as Data Management or data transmission. In certain cases, the Data Managers may harm the interests of the Data Managers, endanger the provision of Services, etc. - the available Personal data of the concerned User are made available to third parties.
6.7 The Data Managers' system may collect data on the activity of Users, which cannot be linked to other data provided by Users during registration, nor to data generated when using other websites or services.
6.8 The Data Managers are responsible for correcting, restricting, or will notify the relevant User of its deletion, as well as all those to whom the Personal Data was previously transmitted for the purpose of Data Management. The notification may be omitted if this does not violate the legitimate interests of the data subject in view of the purpose of Data Management.
6.9 The Data Controllers ensure the security of Personal Data, take the technical and organizational measures and establish the procedural rules that ensure that the recorded, stored and managed data are protected, and prevent their accidental loss, unlawful destruction, and unauthorized access. , unauthorized use and unauthorized modification, unauthorized distribution. To fulfill this obligation, the Data Controllers call on all third parties to whom they forward Personal Data.
6.10 Given the relevant provisions of the GDPR, Data Controllers are not obliged to appoint a data protection officer.

7. Duration of Data Management
7.1 Automatically recorded IP addresses are stored by Data Controllers for a maximum of 90 days after their recording.
7.2 In the case of e-mails sent by the User, if the User does not have a registration anyway, the requested Data Controller will delete the e-mail address on the 366th day after the conclusion of the case referred to in the request, unless in individual cases the legitimate interest of the Data Controller is the further processing of the Personal Data justifies its handling, until the existence of this legitimate interest of the Data Controller. 7.3 The processing of the Personal Data provided by the User shall continue until the User unsubscribes from the Service - with the given username - or otherwise requests the deletion of the Personal Data. In this case, the Personal Data will be deleted from the Data Controller's systems.
7.4 The Personal Data provided by the User - even in the event that the User does not unsubscribe from the Service or has only canceled the access option by canceling their registration, and the comments and uploaded content stored in them remain - can be handled by the Data Controller as long as the User does not expressly request in writing the termination of their Data Management. The User's request to terminate Data Management without unsubscribing from the Service does not affect his right to use the Service, however, it is possible that he will not be able to use some Services in the absence of Personal Data.
7.5 In the event of illegal or misleading use of Personal Data or in the event of a crime committed by the User or an attack against the system, the Data Controllers are entitled to immediately delete the User's Personal Data at the same time as the User's registration is terminated. to keep for the duration of the procedure.
7.6 Data that are automatically and technically recorded during the operation of the system are stored in the system for a reasonable period of time from the time of their generation in terms of ensuring the operation of the system. The Data Controller ensures that these automatically recorded data cannot be linked to other Personal Data, except in cases made mandatory by law. If the User has canceled his consent to the processing of his Personal Data or has unsubscribed from the Service, his identity - excluding investigative authorities and their experts - will no longer be identifiable from the technical data.
7.7 If a court or authority legally orders the deletion of Personal Data, the deletion will be carried out by the Data Controllers. Instead of deletion, the Data Managers - in addition to informing the User - restrict the use of Personal Data if the User requests this or if, based on the information available, it can be assumed that the deletion would harm the User's legitimate interests. The Data Controllers will not delete the Personal Data as long as the data management purpose that precluded the deletion of the Personal Data exists.

8. The User's rights and how to enforce them
8.1 The User may request that any Data Controller informs whether it processes the User's personal data and, if so, to provide him with access to the Personal Data it manages.
The Personal Data provided by the User in connection with the given Service can be viewed in the settings of the Services' access control system and on the profile pages of each Service.
Regardless of this, the User may request information about the handling of Personal Data at any time in writing, by registered or registered letter sent to the Data Controller's address, or by e-mail sent to the e-mail address info KUKAC greenRaster PONT hu. The request for information sent by letter is considered authentic by the Data Controller if the User can be clearly identified based on the sent request. The Data Controller considers a request for information sent by e-mail as authentic only if it is sent from the User's registered e-mail address, but this does not preclude the Data Controller from identifying the User in other ways before providing the information. The request for information may cover the User's data managed by the Data Managers, their source, the purpose, legal basis and duration of the Data Management, the name and address of any Data Processors, the activities related to the Data Management, and, in the case of transmission of Personal Data, to whom and for what purpose it was or will be received and User data.
8.2 The User may request the correction or modification of his Personal Data managed by the Data Managers. Taking into account the purpose of Data Management, the User may request the addition of incomplete Personal Data.
Personal data provided by the User in connection with the given Service can be modified in the settings of the access control system of the Services and on the profile pages of each Service. Once a request to modify personal data has been fulfilled, the previous (deleted) data can no longer be restored.
8.3 The User may request the deletion of his Personal Data managed by the Data Managers. Deletion can be refused (i) for the purpose of exercising the right to freedom of expression and information, or (ii) if the law authorizes the processing of Personal Data; and (iii) to present, enforce and defend legal claims. The Data Managers will always inform the User of the refusal of the deletion request, indicating the reason for the refusal of the deletion. After fulfilling the request to delete personal data, the previous (deleted) data can no longer be restored. Newsletters sent by the Data Controller can be unsubscribed via the unsubscribe link in them. In the event of unsubscribing, the Data Controller deletes the User's Personal Data in the newsletter database. In the event of the User's death, by presenting the death certificate or sending a copy of it to the Service's customer service address, any close relative of the person concerned, or the person to whom a testamentary benefit was granted, may request the deletion of the data concerning the person concerned, along with proof of their identity and relationship with the person concerned.
8.4 The User may request that the processing of his Personal Data be restricted by the Data Controllers if the User disputes the accuracy of the Personal Data being processed. In this case, in this case, the limitation applies to the period that allows the Data Controllers to verify the accuracy of the Personal Data. The Data Controllers mark the Personal Data they manage if the User disputes its correctness or accuracy, but the incorrectness or inaccuracy of the disputed Personal Data cannot be clearly established. The User may request that the processing of his Personal Data be restricted by the Data Controllers even if the Data Processing is illegal, but the User opposes the deletion of the processed Personal Data and instead requests the restriction of their use. Furthermore, the User may also request that the processing of his/her Personal data be restricted by the Data Managers if the purpose of the Data Management has been achieved, but the User requires their processing by the Data Manager for the submission, enforcement or defense of legal claims.
8.5 The User may request that the Data Controllers hand over the Personal Data provided by the User and handled by the User in an automated manner in a segmented, widely used, machine-readable format and/or forward them to another data controller.
8.6 The User may object to the processing of his/her Personal Data (i) if the processing of Personal Data is necessary solely to fulfill the legal obligation of the Data Controllers or to enforce the legitimate interests of the Data Controller or a third party; (ii) if the purpose of Data Management is direct business acquisition, public opinion polls or scientific research; or (iii) if the Data Management takes place in order to fulfill a task in the public interest. The Data Controllers will examine the legality of the User's objection, and if the objection is established, the Data Management will be terminated and the processed Personal Data will be blocked, and all those to whom the Personal Data affected by the objection were previously transmitted will be notified of the objection and the measures taken based on it.

9. Data processing
9.1 The Data Controllers use the Data Processors named above in this Information Sheet to carry out their activities.
9.2 The Data Processors do not make independent decisions, they are only entitled to act according to the contract concluded with the Data Controllers and the instructions received. After May 25, 2018, the Data Processors will record, manage, or processed.
9.3 The Data Managers control the work of the Data Processors.
9.4 The Data Processors are entitled to use additional data processors only with the consent of the Data Controllers.

10. External service providers
10.1 In connection with the provision of the Services, the Data Controllers use External service providers in many cases, with which the Data Controllers cooperate. Regarding Personal Data managed in the systems of External Service Providers, the guidelines are contained in the External Service Providers' own data protection information. The Data Controllers will do their best to ensure that the External Service Provider handles the Personal Data transmitted to them in accordance with the law and uses them exclusively for the purpose specified by the User or set out below in this Information. The Data Managers inform the Users about the transfer of data to External service providers in the framework of this Information.
10.2 External service providers that facilitate registration or entry
In connection with the provision of the Services, Data Controllers cooperate with External service providers that provide applications that facilitate registration and entry for Users. In the framework of this cooperation, some Personal data (e.g. IP address, email, registration name) may be transferred to the Data Controller and/or the Data Processor by these external service providers. These external service providers collect, manage and transmit Personal Data in accordance with their own data protection guidelines.
External service providers cooperating with Data Controllers facilitating registration or access:
  • Apple Distribution International (head office: Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork, Ireland)
  • Facebook Ireland Ltd. (head office: 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland)
  • Google LLC. (head office: 18 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2, DO2 HE97, Ireland)
10.3 Facebook Like button
The Data Controller places a Facebook Like button on its website and applications in connection with some of the content it edits, which, by placing the website, provides Facebook with the opportunity to collect personal data about the User viewing the given page. The purpose of placing the Facebook Like button is for the Data Controller to offer the User content matching the User's interests. The Data Controller has no information about what data Facebook collects about the User as a result of placing the Like button. In this respect, according to the judgment of the Data Controller, Facebook Ireland Ltd. is classified as an external service provider.
10.4 External service providers providing customized messaging
The data manager cooperates with an external service provider that enables the User to use some of the services he/she uses within the framework of the Services on other channels used by the same User (e.g. Facebook, Messenger, Viber, WhatsApp, etc.) take it. The external service provider uses cookies, questionnaires or by registering the User on the website or interfaces of the External Service Provider, it may collect additional data about the User, which may be suitable for identifying the User either independently or in combination with other data. These external service providers handle the Personal data transmitted to them in accordance with their own data protection information.
Apple Distribution International (head office: Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork, Ireland)
Facebook Ireland Ltd. (head office: 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland)
Google LLC. (head office: 18 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2, DO2 HE97, Ireland)
Messenger (head office: Menlo Park, California, USA)
Viber (head office: Luxembourg, Luxembourg 1536, Rue du Fossé 2.)
WhatsApp (head office: Menlo Park, 1601 Willow Road, California 94025, USA)
10.5 In case of provision of an interface (storage space)
From the point of view of providing the Services, the Data Controller considers as External service providers those Users who use the interfaces provided by the Data Controller as storage space for the purpose of publishing their own content. The User may, based on his own decision, upload Personal Data to the interface he uses, or use services that allow him to collect, record, and manage Personal Data on the hosting interface. In all cases where the Data Controller as a service provider provides an interface for the User, it does not perform data management activities in relation to the Personal Data managed on this interface. The users of the hosting service are fully responsible for handling the data handled here in accordance with the law.
10.6 External service providers providing payment
Data Controller contracts with payment service providers in connection with the performance of the Service. The Personal Data provided in connection with this are managed by the payment service providers, in accordance with the provisions of their own data management information. In addition, due to the peculiarities of the system, the payment service provider makes available to the Data Controller other personal data of the User related to the payment (name, email address, residential address, the last 3 digits of the bank card number and bank account number, as well as whether the transaction has been completed), which information the Data Controller only handles it on a case-by-case basis, to the extent and for the time required in the given case. Cooperating payment providers:
Apple Distribution International (head office: Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork, Ireland)
Facebook Ireland Ltd. (head office: 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland)
Google LLC. (head office: 18 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2, DO2 HE97, Ireland)
OTP Mobil Kft. (headquarters: 1093 Budapest, Közraktár utca 30-32.)
PayPal (Europe) S.à rl et Cie, SCA (head office: L-1150 Luxembourg) ps/mpp/ua/privacy-full
10.7 External service providers providing automated image recognition
In order to provide certain Services, the Data Controller cooperates with an External Service Provider that receives and stores the digital images created by the user and sent to the Data Controller for analysis (regardless of their content), analyzes them with automated image recognition algorithms using machine learning, categorizes or. identifies. The data manager notifies the user of the image recognition results in real time and stores them. Automated image recognition service provider using machine learning:
  • FlowerChecker s.r.o. (head office: Czech Republic, 602 00 Brno, Josefská 515/3)
10.8 Other External Service Providers
There are External Service Providers with which none of the Data Controllers has a contractual legal relationship or does not intentionally cooperate with regard to the given data management, but regardless of this, the Website / Services - even through the User's cooperation (e.g. connecting their individual account to the Service), with or without access, and thereby collect data about Users or user activities on the Services' websites, from which, independently or in combination with other data collected by this Third Party Service Provider, they may be suitable for identifying the User. Such external service providers can be, in particular, but not limited to:
  • Facebook Ireland Ltd. (head office: 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland)
  • Google LLC. (head office: 18 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2, DO2 HE97, Ireland)
  • Instagram LLC. (head office: Ireland, Dublin, Grand Canal Dock Grand Canal Quay 4.)
  • Infogram Software Inc (head office: USA, California, San Francisco, CA 94107, Bryant Street 450)
  • Pinterest Europe Ltd. (head office: Palmerston House, 2nd Floor, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.) acy-policy
  • Twitter International Company (head office: 26 Fenian St, Dublin, Ireland)
  • Viber Media LLC (registered office: Luxembourg, Luxembourg 1536, Rue du Fossé 2.)
  • WhatsApp (head office: Menlo Park, 1601 Willow Road, California 94025, USA)
  • YouTube LLC (head office: San Bruno, California, USA)
These external service providers handle the Personal data transmitted to them in accordance with their own data protection guidelines.

11. Possibility of data transmission
11.1 The Data Managers are entitled and obliged to transmit all Personal Data at their disposal and legally stored by them to the competent authorities, which are obliged to transmit Personal Data by law or legally binding official obligation. The Data Managers cannot be held responsible for such data transfer and the resulting consequences.
11.2 If the Data Controller hands over the operation or use of the content provision and hosting services on the pages of the Services to a third party in whole or in part, then the Personal data managed by it will be transferred in whole or in part to this third party without requesting the User's separate consent, but with appropriate prior information of the Users may transfer it to the new operator, provided that this transfer of data cannot put the User in a more disadvantageous position than the data management rules specified in the current text of this Notice. In the case of data transfer in accordance with this point, the Data Controller provides Users with the opportunity to object to the data transfer before the data transfer. In case of objection, the data of the given User cannot be forwarded in accordance with this point.
11.3 The Data Controllers keep a data transfer register for the purpose of checking the legality of the data transfer and ensuring the User is informed.

12. Modification of the Data Management Notice
12.1 The Data Controller reserves the right to unilaterally amend this Notice at any time. 12.2 With the next login, the User accepts the provisions of the Information Sheet in force at all times, in addition, there is no need to ask for the consent of individual Users.

13. Possibilities for legal enforcement
13.1 Employees of the Data Controllers can also be contacted with any questions or comments related to data management at the e-mail address info KUKAC greenRaster DOT com.
13.2 The User can file a complaint about Data Management directly with the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority (address: 1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c.; phone: +36-1-391-1400; e-mail:; website :
13.3 In the event of a violation of the User's rights, he may go to court. The adjudication of the lawsuit falls within the jurisdiction of the court. At the choice of the data subject, the lawsuit can also be initiated before the court of the data subject's place of residence or residence. Upon request, the Data Controllers will inform the User of the possibility and means of legal redress.

Kecskemét, September 1, 2024.